PRESS RELEASE: OSU Hosts Scholars Examining Cannabis Industry

Nearly three dozen researchers from across the United States and Canada met in Oklahoma City Feb. 28 to explore legal, ethical and business issues confronting the nation’s rapidly expanding cannabis industry. The research symposium was the first organized by the new Center for Legal Studies & Business Ethics at Oklahoma State University.

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Isaac Dennis
O'Colly: McKnight Center Plaza Opening

When attending college, we tend to become obsessed with perfection. We have an inclination to perfection because the professional world will expect nothing less than from us. This is most apparent when attending an orchestra concert, but what if it didn’t have to be?

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Isaac Dennis
O'Colly: Depression and the College Experience

Mental health is something people don’t tend to think about until it effects them. In a digital fast-paced world, it can be easy or too awkward do bring up matters like mental health in casual conversation. This can be because of simple things, but more broadly speaking metal health, or lack thereof, has been stigmatized in our society.

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Isaac Dennis
Before the McKnight Center

Here at OSU, we have been lucky to see a progressive growth in our school over the last couple years. Admittedly, OSU has been on the up-and-up for a long time now, though most of the students here now haven’t been around long enough to remember a time when all the buildings on campus looked like the Paul Miller building.

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Isaac Dennis