Content Proofs
Positive Tommorrows Donations Campaign
In this exercise, our group of five was tasked with analyzing the nonprofit organization Positive Tomorrows’ communications and crate a communications campaign based off our analysis along with creating a system to measure the success of the campaign. This plan was not to be implemented by us, but rather act as template for their communications professional to create a strategy if they were so moved. Overall, the process went very well, and our interactions with the organization and its staff were inspiring. It was a treat to develop this plan and I hope it was a valuable tool for their future communication strategies. See the full book through the link bellow.
Rural Oklahoma Collab
This website was created as a collaboration with multiple groups to satisfy graduation requirements for my journalism degree. This was the most fun I had working on a project while in college, as our group was cohesive and effective and work very well with the other groups involved. It was eye opening to visit these various rural towns and get to tell their diverse stories and histories. I’ll always remember my time working on this project fondly and hope you enjoy reading what we were able to accomplish.
Crisis Communications Plan
This was a thought experiment geared towards anticipating and solving possible issues a local business might have and present solid communication solutions for mitigating these various crises. On this project, one of the biggest hurdles we faced was, unlike all my other major projects, we were not to have contact with any of the businesses or organizations we were creating the plan for. We picked this small bakery chain Red Rock, which proved challenging as it had little publicly available data. Still, the project turned out well and I hope your as impressed with the results as I am.
Graphic Design
While not my emphasis, my majors and employment throughout college demanded a good graphic design competency and an aptitude for adapting available graphic design elements for various promotional purposes. That coupled with a lot of organic photoshop experience from my photography, and I’ve designed a good chunk of work I’m proud of. I’ll never stop advocating for the retainment of a legitimate graphic design professional or third party organization, but in a crutch my skills are sufficient enough to produce professional work.
Media plan Analysis
This was an exercise in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a well know company’s brand. This involved analyzing past marketing capabilities and extrapolating future goals. Direction for this exercise could have been somewhat more structured, but given the loose instruction I’m still proud of the data we collected and analysis we were able to accomplish.
Code of Ethics
An ethical professional would act ethically and understand ethical standards. Still, an ethical professional can make mistakes and act unethically regardless, so it’s important for every professional to think about what ethics mean to them. While this doesn’t ensure they act ethically, it does show they understand the gravity of their obligations. Here is my statement on my personal ethics if you wish to read it.