Isaac Not
You asked for it,
Here’s the long version
So as you may have guessed, this is actually Isaac’s media, and I’m Isaac. This has all been a ploy, Surprise! Jokes aside, hello :D My name’s Isaac and I’m a transplant trying to make my way in Colorado. Originally from Oklahoma, I’m currently based out of Boulder and servicing the Denver Metro area. I have degrees in Strategic Communications and Multimedia Journalism from Oklahoma State University. I’ve been practicing professional communications since 2017. If you’d like me to talk your ear off, click on of the dropdowns below.
Starting in college, I originally attended Oklahoma State University for a degree in Chemical Engineering. After struggling to stay interested during my first semester, I floated around during my sophomore year, bouncing from phycology to journalism, and then eventually to strategic communications during my second semester of sophomore year.
I’ve essentially had a lifelong interest in five things: music, science, playing sports (mainly soccer and running), law/governance and content creation. Most of my life has consisted of stepping through those doors as they open up.
For most of my life, I’ve only consumed content. I grew up watching people create things and never thought I could be one of those people. That changed in 2017 when I was brought onto Genesis DBC as a communications intern. Looking back, this was an insane way to start of my career.
I spent most of my high school and all of college career to that point building and training to perform with a Drum Corps. The only problem was that I sucked. After failing my third audition, I realized I’d need to do something different if I wanted to be on the road. I had zero experience with communications at that point, but knew at that point that it may be a direction I wanted to go in, so I wrote to Genesis’s CEO Chris Magonigal, and despite all reason he agreed and my career to this point began.
Without intending to, I had picked up photography and knew I wanted to continue with it. Without a good way to do that, and on the advice of Stetson Payne, I hung out in the O’Colly newsroom for a few weeks until something happened. I began picking up photo jobs, starting out just using my phone until I eventually picked up a used 5D mark II of the black market (in 2019 a conversation with B&H gave me the strong impression it was stolen). I’d continue to work on over 200 projects with the O’Colly Media Group and get published in around 50 newspapers in the three years I was there, with my body of work even continued to be published after I graduated.
In 2018, I took an internship with Herrison and Mecklenburg, a law group based in Payne County. I came across the opportunity after complaining at a table during the Payne County Democrats annual event that I didn’t have anything lined up for the summer. Michelle Nabors was sitting at the table and brought up that she could use some help with her case load if I was interested.
2019 began my glow up. I had began going all out on campus leadership and was totally into my degree’s programs. 2019 was also the year I was brought onto the Bluecoats for communications and photography. Working with the Bluecoats was an incredible experience, and one I had worked towards since the end of the 2017 tour with Genesis. It was also the first real opportunity I had had where I felt prepared and not useless, so of course the whole tour started with me flying into the wrong airport. Jokes aside, Bluecoats dialed everything up to 11 for me. I was asked to deliver at the highest level. Mike Scott, who was serving as Bluecoat’s new CEO, pushed me in every category. We were and incredible small team for what we were trying to accomplish, and they would later double the team’s size, but despite that we killed it. I think beyond just being able to deliver on the technical side, Bluecoats is where I did my most maturing, and built the foundation that lets me tackle any communications problem despite my experience with it.
Also running during all of this was my work with Oklahoma State University communications. I began with their massive careers center and ended in the business building. From 2018 to 2020, these where consistent ways in which I was able to continue improving my communications abilities. One day I’d be ask to reinvent their headshot workflow, the next figure out a graphic, write press releases or implement this marketing strategy. Consistently being asked to solve nontraditional communications issues gave me such a wide toolbox that it even surprises me today. At some point you get so used to random asks that nothing surprises you.
During my second semester of senior year, Covid-19 caused significant disruptions to pretty much every aspect of society, and while I was very lucky to make it through without any impact to my health of my families, it took a lot out of my college experience and thrust me into a society that wouldn’t fully come to terms with its impact. I relocated to Colorado and spent a couple years rediscovering who I wanted to be. It was… a rough couple of years.
It all changed though after I was offered a communications specialist position with the Town of Superior. After a good amount of soul searching, it became clear to me that I needed to work in a space that allowed me to make a difference and in a space that allowed me to express myself creatively. My work with Superior lets me work closely with a group of people that a deeply passionate about making a positive impact on their community. This is a chapter that is still being written, and I’m enjoying every second of services with this community and all it’s character.
In early 2023, I also began Not Isaac Media after a friend let me flail around during his performance at So Many Roads. It been an interesting development, and without a real destination at this point. Like much of this, it’s not something I expected to happen, but I love doing it. As long as the opportunity is available to me, I’ll continue supporting it the best I can!
I love music, running, law/governance, content creation, science and cooking!
My love for Music began after hearing the Alice in Wonderland soundtrack in Junior High School. My interest just continued to balloon after that. I’ve also been a percussionist since I was 12, and could “play” the trumpet since I was four. Music is just the most pure form of human connection to me. My taste in music has floated a LOT throughout my life, but currently EDM makes up the bulk of what I listen to, influenced heavly by how dominantly popular it is on the Denver Music scene (throw a rock in Denver and there will be a DJ there to sample it landing and turn it into their next house mix). I haven’t played since college though. My favorite instrument to play is the Marimba, and they unfortunately cost an arm and a leg.
I started running after my competitive soccer team broke up in middle school. I sucked at it… and I stil suck at it. There was a time though where we where being coached by college long distance runners and I didn’t suck, but my peak in running is for sure behind me. I love doing it now because it helps me reset and focus. Plus while running in Colorado sucks (ya’ll need to import some air), it’s very pretty!
Law and governance have followed me since my mock trail days in high school. YAG, College Dems, SGA and even a small time as a Payne County electorate, I always found a way to be involved in leadership and local governance. Now I get to do it every day working for a local government.
Content creation began as a fascination in music, movies and individual YouTube creators. Eventually the interest became so overwhelming I had to do it myself. I could talk about this all day, so I’ll leave it there.
My interest in topics relating to science begin after totally legally obtaining and watching every episode of Star Trek as a kid. I soak up science topics up like a sponge, which was the original reason why I considered a life as an engineer. Though my interest in it as a profession has diminished, I’ll still always click on new research or a science breakdown when scrolling around.
Cooking is a new thing I picked up! I just got sick of the food I always eat, so I started branching out and found out I love figuring out how to make new things and shopping for the recipe’s ingredients. Talking about this one won’t do it justice though, so let me cook for you sometime!